Jeremy Behreandt



fossilized gentrified gesture ducked into alleyway &

said look in dumpster because the train wreck is

coming for you suits & ties turn out to be games of

grown up hide & seek murder is just tag gone all sour

grapes starvation is just crippled harvest don’t be so

sad said the tombstone disease a stray bullet will

strike you down & you won’t be able to feel the floor

boards any more don’t be so glum chum cigarette burns

are crimped bits of skin this manifesto is a crumpled

lover’s nest hate speech divinity incarnate & a

conductor must wonder every once in a while what if

they need to apply the brakes be creative every shady

patch beneath trees is perfect for torch & scorch

scratch out a calm for new card games folded letters &

plastic candy hearts fan discombobulated cranium don’t

be so worried about noose efficiency suicide comes

along only so often what follows is special nightmare

all alone worth the cut & stutter help trouble cry

saline showers breed horse carcass mane velcro wig a

mass of curly cues rises up on hind legs & asks you

poor sucker to mount opens up saddle & demonstrates

how to ride how to write a blathering sultry sex

screed money well made game well played stalemate

Copyright © 2003 Jeremy Behreandt.  All Rights Reserved.

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